Producing your own green energy has many advantages. For every unit of electricity you generate, you reduce your energy bill and more importantly reduce CO2 and greenhouse emissions. Energy Connect supply a wide range of Micro Generation technologies, keeping solar panel cost down a minimum. Please click the relevant product to find further details on Solar PV panels, wind turbines and sun pipes.
There has never been a better time to invest in solar energy, so why not buy solar panels and make the switch to solar PV? An array of solar PV panels installed at your home or business will benefit you in three distinct ways:
1 - Financial Benefits - Caring for our planet can also provide excellent ROI.
2 - Reduction in Carbon Footprint - Every KWh of electricity generated by the solar panels, you are saving 0.43kg of Carbon Dioxide which would have been output from the power station providing that same amount of electricity. This means it is easily possible to reduce your household's carbon footprint by at minimum half a tonne of carbon Dioxide per year, simply by producing your own power.
3 - Power that is Consistent and Reliable - Photovoltaic solar power is a renewable energy source, and as such there is nothing to worry about using up this resource, as opposed to the consumption of fossil fuels by our power stations. As non-renewable energy resources dwindle, and consequently fuel prices rise, your Solar PV Panels will continue to provide you with free renewable energy for a minimum 25 years and at maximum, 40 years, ensuring that the initial solar panel cost offers significant value for money!
For a quote regarding your home or business please call 0116 242 5151 for more information. Energy Connect UK are experts at providing photovoltaic solar power to Leicester, Nottingham, Derby and the surrounding areas.
View our current rangePlease find below information and specification for our current solar products:
Powertec Plus 235w 6 PE
Quick Specs
Powertec Plus 260 M
Quick Specs
NU-E245 (J5)
Quick Specs
Solar Information, Links & Documentation:
We are able to provide & Install turbines from small 100w up to 6kw. Mostly Commercial & Educational and a few residential. If you are considering an installation and would like a site survey please contact our sales team.
As each installation has its own unique position they are dependent upon a site survey. Custom anchors mountings and erections are developed by our own engineering staff, drawings can be provided for planning permission purposes and structural analasis.
Please contact us for further information concerning site surveys or quotations.
View our current rangePlease find below information and specification for our current wind turbine products:
Zephyr Air Dolphin
Key Features
Ampair Micro - 300w
Key Features
Ampair Micro - 600w
Key Features
Ampair Micro - 6kw (6000w)
Key Features
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